Mainland Moose Conservation Efforts in Nova Scotia

By Patrick Haddad, NSEN Journalism Volunteer (Environmental Studies student at Saint Mary’s University)

In mainland Nova Scotia, moose populations have become endangered due to continuous habitat loss and degradation. There are only an estimated 100 moose left in the province, with the main threats identified as land being converted for farming, road infrastructure, and other developmental processes. In turn, the impacts have led to less habitat space for the moose to utilize. While projects from organizations like the Nature Conservancy of Canada work to stabilize populations, related challenges throughout NS still ignite, as exemplified by the events taking place near the New France, Digby County area. 

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The Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia organization who set up a blockade continues its efforts to stop loggers from clearcutting in crown land between Silver River and the Tobeatic Wilderness Areas. 

They further expressed their concerns in a press released statement which also called for support from whoever would like to help their cause:

 “In the past two weeks work has begun expanding and extending logging roads in the southern pod. This is in preparation for further extensive clearcutting in the area. New cuts totalling 1150 acres have been approved by our own government, half of them AFTER the Nova Scotia Supreme Court severely reprimanded the Department of Lands and Forestry for failing to fulfill its legal obligations under the Endangered Species Act.”

A spokesperson for ERNS, Nina Newington, has also reached out to the Minister of Energy and Mines, Derek Mombourquette, to conduct a meeting but did not receive a reply on the matter. 

There seems to be an apparent disconnect between the primary stakeholders involved in this situation. Especially when considering the detrimental effects that clearcutting could have on the habitat for many species and forests, the cooperation between environmentalists, local community members, contractors, and policymakers must be present; otherwise, continued conflicts could arise and escalate. 

To express concerns and encourage communication, you can contact Minister Mombourquette at: 

To learn more about Extinction Rebellion Nova Scotia, check out: