Bird-Friendly Cities

Have you ever wondered what a city would look like if it was more inclusive to wildlife species? This webinar hosted in collaboration with Nature Nova Scotia features a discussion about the incredible bird species that are encouraged to live in Halifax as well as the certification process and benefits of becoming a bird-friendly city. Our guest speakers also discuss what has already been done to make the HRM more bird-friendly as well as next steps.


Becky Parker
Executive Director of Nature Nova Scotia

Becky is an ecologist specializing in plants but loves birds! Becky manages Nature Nova Scotia's protected areas and wildlife projects, and supervises staff working on species at risk, sustainable forestry, and urban nature projects. She also works for the Young Naturalist Club and organizes their annual Christmas Bird Count for the club's older youth chapter in Halifax.

Jess Lewis
Conservation Programs Coordinator of Nature Nova Scotia

Jess is a plant scientist by training but is fascinated by bird ecology. She's done bird call surveys as well as public engagement around Nature Nova Scotia Bird-Friendly Cities. She coordinates the organization's species at risk and sustainable forestry projects which include species like the piping plover.

Emma Bocking
Wetland Biologist

Emma is a wetland biologist who has worked with Ducks Unlimited and is currently working with the Halifax Regional Municipality as an environmental specialist.