Council of Canadians - South Shore Chapter

By Eleanor Willner-Fraser, NSEN Community Engagement Volunteer

The South Shore Chapter is one of 47 chapters of the Council of Canadians, an organization whose mission is to bring people together through collective action and grassroots organizing to challenge corporate power and advocate for people, the planet, and our democracy. The South Shore Chapter has a steering committee of eight to ten people, as well as about 50 active supporters and a larger email list. There are three other Council of Canadians chapters in Nova Scotia: Cape Breton West, North Shore, and Halifax.

The national organization runs campaigns related to the topics of trade, clean water, climate justice, democracy, and health care. The South Shore Chapter’s additional areas of focus at the moment are the Campaign to Protect Offshore Nova Scotia, the exploration of what a just recovery could mean for Nova Scotia’s South Shore, and issues around clearcutting and spraying, open pen salmon farming, and inequality in local communities.

The Council of Canadians is working to support Indigenous people’s struggles, build a more just society, and protect Canadians against privatization. It has over 150,000 members and supporters and operates without corporate or government funding. On its website,, you can find analysis of issues, opportunities to take action through signing petitions, and resources like campaign toolkits and webinars. Follow the work of the South Shore Chapter on its Facebook page, South Shore Chapter of the Council of Canadians.


The national organization was founded in 1985, and the South Shore Chapter has been active since 2000. The Chapter’s steering committee meets monthly, with regular email updates in between. The Chapter would normally hold regular public meetings, open to supporters and the general public. They plan to resume these public events as soon as they are able to do so.

In the meantime, get in touch at if your interests match the Chapter’s work and you would like to sign up for their occasional email updates and opportunities for action. The Chapter would also be happy to have another chair for their steering committee and welcomes collaboration with like-minded organizations. You can also reach out to one of Nova Scotia’s other chapters or contact if you’re interested in forming a Council of Canadians chapter in your community.