Happy Atmosphere Environmental Society

By Eleanor Willner-Fraser, NSEN Community Engagement Volunteer 

Happy Atmosphere Environmental Society (HAES) is a Halifax-based group raising awareness about ecological issues affecting Nova Scotians. They work to spread positivity and develop the tools to implement environmental change. Executive Director Edie Whittington founded the Society last year out of a desire to create a community of positive, like-minded individuals and to provide the opportunity to Haligonians of all ages to become involved in making the world a better place.

Under normal circumstances, HAES runs events and encourages discussion centred around a monthly theme related to the environment and sustainability. Past themes have included climate action, consumerism, and industrial pollution. Events have included film screenings, workshops, and information sessions. In-person events took place at locations around Halifax and sometimes involved exciting collaborations with other organizations, such as the Ecology Action Centre.


HAES benefits from the support of approximately 50 volunteers and a board of directors. The volunteers contribute in countless ways to the Society, from attending events to making suggestions for new ones, and from website design to creating artistic works. Volunteers have a say in planning future events.

HAES had been planning on starting a community gardens program in elementary schools but has had to put that project on hold. Nonetheless, society members have been busy collaborating remotely to find ways to create a happy atmosphere during this time of isolation. A popular initiative that they’ve started has been Quarantine Connections, in which community members are paired up to be pen pals.

For more information about Happy Atmosphere Environmental Society and current volunteer opportunities, visit their website. They are looking for volunteers interested in learning about environmental initiatives and community growth and possessing a wide range of skills and interests, from helping with events to promotion and social media.

If you’re interested in getting involved, you can contact Edie at edie@happyatmosphere.org or fill out this form.