KAIROS Halifax
By Eleanor Willner-Fraser, NSEN Community Engagement Volunteer
KAIROS Halifax is related to KAIROS Canada, which represents ten churches and religious organizations working with others for justice. The national organization educates and advocates for climate/ecological justice and human rights locally and globally. It’s a charitable joint venture that was formed in 2001 and is administered by the United Church of Canada. KAIROS Canada has offices in Toronto and Ottawa, regional networks, and local groups across the country. It also works with activists in other countries and has over 20 global partners.
KAIROS Canada’s five areas of work are ecological justice, gender justice, Indigenous rights, migrant justice, and prophetic witness. The organization works across denominations to connect different social movements. It carries out research and policy development, theological reflection, education, advocacy, partnership, lobbying, and grassroots action. KAIROS Canada supports Indigenous treaty rights and the full implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). It seeks to amplify the voices of those directly impacted by abuse of human rights and by climate change, environmental racism, and threats to clean water, air, and food. Another area of focus is the gendered impacts of resource extraction.
KAIROS Halifax has led many non-Indigenous groups in the "KAIROS Blanket Exercise," an experiential learning method raising awareness of Canadian history from the perspective of the Indigenous peoples. Inspired by the Blanket Exercise, the group has developed the "Palestine Land Exercise," which is experiential learning of a history seldom heard.
KAIROS Halifax currently supports the treaty rights of Mi’kmaq fishers and Grassroots Grandmothers, migrant rights, and the human rights of Palestinian children in the occupied Palestinian territories. The group also works with the Diocesan Environmental Network, youth and churches addressing the climate emergency, and Water Not Gold, a group advocating against mining for gold in Nova Scotia watersheds.
KAIROS Halifax has a coordinating group of approximately 15 members that meets monthly - currently using Zoom. It also has an HRM network of about 50 people who receive and respond to notices and initiatives.
You can get in touch with Linda Scherzinger at lindakseven@gmail.com to learn more about KAIROS Halifax or to join the network and/or attend the monthly meetings. New members are welcome. You can also visit the national organization’s website, www.kairoscanada.org, to find out more about its work, take action on campaigns, and access resources and webinars.